
Enhance your HR organisation – develop your HR team

As your HR consultant, I will provide specific consultancy and professional support in strategy and organisation to your HR management. I can support you at national and international level.

When working with your organisation, I will devise strategic processes and help guide the organisational development of your HR department.

Development programs for university graduates

I will help you formulate and implement concepts to develop university graduates to future specialist and management personnel.

My specific experience with many international projects will inspire the “key players of tomorrow” of your company and set a special focus on retaining high-value, revenue-generating talents.

Implement your facility’s HR growth strategy

Organisations use my 15 years of experience as a HR manager to help them develop and build out their HR structure for new and existing facilities. My work will support you in implementing your growth strategy, whether global, regional or local.

My consultancy and professional support can begin with preparing the HR concept right through to fully implementing the production areas onsite. Avail of my technical expertise to create a “factory for tomorrow”.

Interim HR Manager

If your organisation is not in a position to employ a full-time HR director or manager, an external competent support professional can help your HR management to achieve its goals.

My HR Interim services include support on a short or long term basis or for specific projects within your HR department. Avail of my expertise with on-demand services.

How you and your organisation will benefit: